- Ear Surgery
Myringoplasty, tympanoplasty, tympanomastoidectomy, radical mastoidectomy, stapedectomy
- Surgery of the Nose and Nasal Sinuses
FESS (Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery )
Nasal Polyposis Surgery
Rhinoplasty (Aesthetic Nose Surgery)
Septoplasty (Curvature that prevents breathing through the nose, bone cartilage surgery)
Concha Surgery (Reducing the nasal meat with Radiofrequency)
Maxillofacial Surgery
- Oropharyngeal Surgery
Tonsil-Adenoid Surgery
Uvulopalatoplasty (Sleep Apnea Surgery )
Staphylorrhaphy (Cleft Palate Surgery)
- Vertigo Treatment , Vertigo Tests - Maneuvers
- Allergic Rhinitis Treatment and Allergy Tests
-Tinnitus and Hearing Loss Treatments
-Head and Neck Surgery
Head and neck masses, tumors
Surgery of salivary gland diseases, tumors
Branchal Cleft Cysts (Neck)
Thyroglossal Cyst Surgery
- Sleep Apnea
- Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine E.N.T , Head and Neck Surgery Specialization Training 1995-1999
- Eskisehir SSK Regional Hospital 2000- 2005
- Eskişehir Yunus Emre Goverment Hospital 2005 - 2013
- Eskişehir Goverment Hospital 2013- 2017
- Eskişehir Yunus Emre Goverment Hospital 2017 - 2021
- Eskişehir E.N.T Association of Head and Neck Surgery
- Turkish Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
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