

surgıcal ınterventıon operated through the nose, wıthout the skull cut

surgıcal ınterventıon operated through the nose, wıthout the skull cut

Release Date: 17 04 2018

Gülhan Yüksel headed for different hospitals with the complaint of headache and the pituitary gland tumor and had been diagnosed,however she could'nt complete the treatment process.Yuksel continued to complain of headaches, recently private Anadolu Hospital of Neurosurgery Expert physician M.D Dr. Celal Özbek Cakir was examined.Gülhan Yüksel, who has a large tumor in the pituitary gland located at the base of the brain,due to the operation by her doctor  was hospitalized.The pituitary gland is located on the base of the head and secretes hormones important to the body, disrupting the function of this gland,hormonal disorders and pathologies causing growth of the bezel, this  type of tumor, which has serious effects such as vision problems it is possible to get rid of by an operation that is normally done by opening the skull,M.D Dr. Celal Özbek Cakir entered the nose and underwent surgery and the tumor was removed.Yüksel, patient who recovered from the brain tumor after having been hospitalized for only 3 days in the hospital, expressed his thanks to the doctor.Brain and Nerve Surgion M.D Celal Özbek Çakır he said about the operation he did; "These brain surgeries, normally done with the opening of the skull,we are practicing  transsphenoidal surgery for a lon time.With this method, both the patient and the surgeon who opened the skull are rescued from the heavy troubles, as well as shortening the length of stay in the hospital, This patient also underwent transsphenoidal surgery to remove the mass from the pituitary gland and discharge the patient. "

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