
What is Check-up?

We all worry about our health from time to time and wonder how healthy we live.

Because we know that it is our health that making us keep going by preventing us from losing our strength due to daily hassle and bustle and struggle for life. Health comes before anything. Check-up is a series of imaging and health screening performed to keep healthy, to detect the risks of possible diseases, to diagnose diseases that can be caused by genetic factors, such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and many other health problems. Check-up is not a treatment method, but a comprehensive health screening for early detection. It is a screening for the treatment methods that will be used to prevent the diseases which are detected early or will be detected in the future.

Check-up can save lives by allowing patients to get treatment early especially for cancer, which is the disease of our time, and prevent its progress.

For information about check-up and appointments: +90(222) 221 48 48 / 283