
Our Breastfeeding Policy

Our Breastfeeding Policy:

1.                  A breastfeeding policy has been established to protect, promote, and support the practice of breastfeeding in the institution.

a) The "International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes" and relevant resolutions of the World Health Assembly are strictly followed.

b) A written "infant feeding policy" has been created and regularly shared with staff and parents.

c) Continuous monitoring and data management systems have been implemented.

2.                  Staff members have been equipped with the necessary knowledge, competence, and skills to support mothers in breastfeeding.

Key Clinical Practices:

3.                  Pregnant women and their families are informed about the importance and management of breastfeeding.

4.                  Support is provided to mothers to initiate early skin-to-skin contact with their babies immediately after birth, start breastfeeding as soon as possible, and maintain uninterrupted contact.

5.                  Support is offered to mothers in managing common difficulties encountered in initiating and sustaining breastfeeding.

6.                  Unless medically necessary, no food or fluids other than breast milk are given to newborns.

7.                  Mothers are encouraged to keep their babies with them and stay in the same room 24 hours a day.

8.                  Support is provided to mothers in recognizing and responding to signs of hunger from their babies.

9.                  Counseling services are available to mothers regarding the use of bottles, pacifiers, and their associated risks.

10.              Prior to discharge, parents are informed about centers where they can access continuous support and care services related to breastfeeding for themselves and their babies.