
Our Companion Policy

Accompaniment Rules

Accompany peoplemust comply with hospital rules,in case of violation,the attendance of the person concerned is unacceptable,

Accompanying people (except physician and nurse directives) should not make anything to the patient,

Accompanying persons should keep the hospital's belongings in order and clean,the transaction is performed in such a way as to compensate,For accompaniment visitors who damage the hospital property,to make process for the compensate. In order to provide a peaceful envirenment for you,patients and their relatives; it is very important for us to not speak loudly or make noise in the patient room and service corridors.it is also important to use the televisions in rooms so as not to disturb to the others.We request that when doktor came and after 22:00 please turn-off the television.

Accompanying people should not be taken out of hospital without permission except physician or nurse and their beds should not be changed.

Accompany people should not speak loudly in patient rooms, should not disturb employees and other patients.

From the companion changes, the service nurses need to be informed,

When there are any problems with the patients, the accompany people should inform the nurse.